Animals Taught Me That is an encouraging memoir and detailed account of how Kim Bloomer learned all the most important lessons life has for us through the love and friendship of God’s creatures.
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From her earliest childhood memories with animals to her late beloved dog, Shadrach the Neo Mastiff, Dr. Kim shares in Animals Taught Me That (publication date December 2, 2009) how God has used His creatures to teach her the life lessons we need to grow in character and integrity.
Through her trials and errors, often at the expense of a beloved pet, Kim shares her mistakes and encourages the readers to learn from them.
The most important aspect of this book is how selflessly animals are in teaching us without judgment. Cry and laugh with Kim as you journey through the stories of all the animals that have graced her life, including both wild and domestic.
Kim’s hope is not only that you will learn life’s most important lessons, but that the animals in your life will be honored for who they are and how much they really do mean in our lives.
Beautifully illustrated by professional artist, Barbara Hilford, the illustrations bring the animals to life to tug at your heartstrings and woo you through the pages of Animals Taught Me That.
Give people a fact or an idea and you enlighten their minds; tell them a story and you touch their souls. ~Hasidic Proverb
But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. ~Job 12:7-10, NIV
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I received your book Animals Taught Me Tha today. Your other book (Whole Health for Happy Dogs) was FANTASTIC. I zoomed through it, and it’s a GREAT reference book. Now I’m ready and curious to read about how you came to be such an animal lover and advocate. Again, “thank you” for all you do. ~Susan Eslick
I have this book in soft cover, loved it!!!! So real and at times raw, very well written and very much from the heart. Definitely in my top ten of “could not put down” books. Regardless what any one else does, for you to write and publish this book took pure guts. I did shed some tears in this book, only because I saw parts of myself. What I do for my animals today, is not what I did 20 years ago. It is because people like you are here to awaken us. I feel like I want to re-read the book again!!! ~Inez Wilson
I loved reading your book. I could not put it down. I still browse it. I carry it from work to home and vise versa…You are an amazing writer!!!! I sell your books a lot. ~Fabienne Lawrence
Animals taught you that? Wow – God has given you a great sense of humor, I love the way you called it, “the apple incident” and, I was laughing out loud reading your story about Shadrach and the “whole ‘chase me yelling game,” that’s FUNNY!!! So, talking with the “dumb” goldfish heh? How awesome for Donnie to have those little fish acknowledge him! :). “Humor in the face of adversity?” What a magnificent lesson.” ~Pastor Brad Reiches
Dr. Bloomer shares her passion and deep love of God’s creatures in this wonderful, celebrational account of the special relationships with the animals that have graced her life. This book is a must read for all animal lovers. ~Dr. Jeannie Thomason, animal naturopath
In Animals Taught Me That, Kim Bloomer takes you on a journey of her life with the animals that have come and gone and the life lessons that they taught her. Throughout this journey, Kim takes us back to God’s original intention: that God created man, animals and nature to work together and live in total harmony. As I read this book, I was reminded to ‘stop and smell the roses’ of each creature God puts in my life for He brings each of them to us for a purpose. I can’t recommend this book enough! ~Sandy Harrington, NM businesswoman, host of the Christian radio show, Something About Women
Dr. Bloomer writes from her heart and she writes well. Animals Taught Me That is a thoughtful book that fills a void and will be enjoyed by many. ~Dr. Hugh Bassham, veterinarian
Dr. Bloomer writes with heart-piercing honesty. Through her memoir, Animals Taught Me That, she teaches without preaching the eternal truths of God’s relationship with mankind and his creation. The chapters describe the seasons in her life and the wonderful animals that shared special lessons along the way; the tabby cats, the “up close and personal” encounters with those beautiful horses, and the persistence, commitment and perseverance of Shadrach, the Neo Mastiff. This book will awaken within each reader the awe and responsibility of this precious stewardship that God has placed before us. Well done. ~Barbara Phipps
If you love animals, you will love this book, “Animals Taught Me That”, by Dr. Kim Bloomer. There are many things that God teaches us everyday through an unconditional loving pet. Kim’s book helps us to see ourselves through the eyes of our loving pets and our loving Father in Heaven. Kim’s book ‘taught me that’. ~Carolyn Salmon Kazmierczak Author of A Kingdom for Horses
Animals Taught Me That covers so much about the blessings animals bring to us. The vast number of true-life animal stories and the lessons the animals have taught Dr. Bloomer is a theme that goes throughout. I truly recommend this book for both pet and non-pet people. It is a journey through the animal world you take with Dr. Bloomer as she learns, loves, and teaches about God’s non-human creation along the way. To God be the glory! ~Mary Buddemeyer-Porter, Amazon Christian Best Seller
March 2011
I love love love your book! Read the whole thing and It’s my “coffee table” book now so I can pick it up and read a short story whenever I feel the need! ~Donna Jackson
December 20, 2009
Good morning, Kim, I just now finished reading Animals Taught Me That. I enjoyed learning of all your life experiences. Some things made me laugh and many of them “blurred my vision”. Your stories brought back precious memories of Woody, the best dog I’ve ever known. Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to provide the enjoyment and the lessons for us. I need to get started cleaning house. I just couldn’t get started until I had the book finished!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Blessings, Edith
January 12, 2010
The journey that Dr. Kim Bloomer embarked on with animals since she was a child, portrayed in great detail in Animals Taught Me That are lessons of everyday life. Kim has gracefully shown us through her sometimes painful past lessons what is gained by simply observing, respecting and loving every creature God has given us. She had the courage to admit her mistakes, move forward, and share them in Animals Taught Me That so we as a society can learn and return to the real reason we have been blessed with animals on this earth. I believe Kim continues to this day to share what she knows and continues to learn, all in the name of deep compassion and unconditional love for all of the animal kingdom. Whether you love animals or not, Animals Taught Me That is a must read for everyone so that we can all live together as God intended in peace, harmony and respect for one another. ~Barbara Techel, Author of Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Dog book series,
February 1, 2010
Stories of how animals touched Kim Bloomer poignantly told. As she takes us on a journey, the author shares with us how the animals taught her many of life’s lessons including the good, the bad and the very ugly. It’s because of this journey, she took the path she has taken becoming the person she is today. Being the animal lover that I am, I laughed, I cried and I found myself reflective reading this wonderful book. ~Anita Hong
February 3, 2010
Dr. Kim Bloomer opens her heart and soul in a very special way to readers of her book “Animals Taught Me That.” She gives us the hard lessons along with the easy ones — all of them meaningful. With the inclusion of relative Biblical scripture passages for each chapter-story-lesson, she also shows us how important these life lessons are to our spiritual growth, as well as our humanity. This is an honestly written book in an effortless reading style. The author gives us points to ponder and grow by through her own highly personal experiences with some of God’s best teachers: our animals.~Marti Healy, Author of The God-Dog Connection
February 5, 2010
Dr. Bloomer writes with heart-piercing honesty. Through her memoir, Animals Taught Me That, she teaches without preaching the eternal truths of God’s relationship with mankind and His creation. The chapters describe the seasons in her life and the wonderful animals that shared special lessons along the way; the tabby cats, the “up close and personal” encounters with those beautiful horses, and the persistence, commitment and perseverance of Shadrach, the Neo Mastiff. This book will awaken within each reader the awe and responsibility of this precious stewardship that God has placed before us. Well done. ~Barbara Howard
March 16, 2010
Dear Kim, I love your book! Thanks for the stories of your walk with God. Inspirational! ~Mary Lou Stein (reader)
October 1, 2010
With much transparency, courage, and heart led honesty, Dr. Kim opens the door to bygone days and current events to share the life lessons God has revealed in the animals He set forth in her path. I highly recommend this book to all animal lovers particularly to those that have an open mind and heart to the reflections in creation that only God could have provided. It will make you laugh, cry, and take a person to a higher level of understanding about all the things you think you know about animals on the surface to actually ponder the true purpose that God wants us all to place in our hearts. ~Sandra Wolfe, Author of What Dogs Teach Us About the Kingdom of Heaven
Most of the authors below are listed in the Suggested Reading section of Animals Taught Me That
… plus most of them have also been guests on our former podcast, Animal Talk Naturally. They have some wonderful books that will help people learn about natural animal health, animal nature, and the human-animal bond.
Hello Kim,
Wow, congratulations on your new book! You did it! I can hardly wait to read it. Also, I am deeply honored and moved that you have listed the books and the ranch as collateral reading . . . you are so good to me. What a wonderful gift. Thank you for your faithfulness to use what God has given you to spread the message of salvation in Jesus Christ. Again, I thank you for your example . . . it matters more than you know my Friend. Much Love to You,
Kim Meeder, author of Hope Rising, and Bridge Called Hope, Founder of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch, the Ranch of Rescued Dreams
Hi Kim,
Congratulations on your new book. That’s wonderful and I look forward to reading it. And thank you for mentioning mine in the suggested reading. How thoughtful! I’m truly appreciative of your help in spreading the word about them. All my best, Melanie Sue Bowles, author of The Horses of Proud Spirit, Founder/Director of Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary
Wow, that is awesome!!! I don’t know what to say that is soooo sweet of you to mention us. Thank you and I look forward to reading your book. Blessings!Kristie Jones, Black Dog Rescue Ranch
I wish you the very best with the new book. And thank you very much for the Suggested Read. Much appreciated. Keep me posted. Joe Camp, Author of The Soul of a Horse and Benji
The very BEST!!! of luck with your new book, Kim! Thank you for letting us know about it. And THANK YOU for including the information about Ron’s work. Very kind of you!! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. Publicist for Ron Hevener, author of Fate of the Stallion
Thank you!! (in response to our listing her book within our book)
Dr. Irene Pepperberg, author of Alex & Me
Congratulations Kim! The book looks wonderful and so does the website! Thank you for listing my books in yours.
Maggie Wright, author of Bringing Back the Magic and African Grey Parrots; A Complete Pet Owner’s Manual
Hi Dr. Kim
Congrats on the new book, you know I’ll have to have you on the show again! I’m going to announce it on tonight’s show. Thanks so much for adding me to your suggested reading! You have been a great friend since we started! Jeff Marginean, author of My Buddy Butch
Wow, you have been busy! I’m excited for you and can’t wait to read more.
Sincerely, Patricia Monahan Jordan, DVM, author of Mark of the Beast: Hidden in Plain Sight
Kim, Congratulations on your new book and for passing on information about Something About Women Radio. All the best, Francine Silverman, author of Talk Radio Wants You!
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your joy! Hugs, Marti Healy, author of The God-Dog Connection
Your cover is beautiful. Tell your illustrator she did a fantastic job. God;s blessings on this book.
Dr. Mary Buddemeyer-Porter, author of Will I See Fido in Heaven? and Animals: Immortal Beings
December 15, 2009
Hi Dr. Kim!
Your book arrived yesterday! I started reading it last night! OMG, Kim, I just love how you write! I was so tired, but didn’t want to put the book down, but my eyes won. But I can’t wait to get back to it. I only made it through the first story about the fish, but your deep love and understanding of animals came shining through brilliantly already. I closed the book last night so thankful to know you. Can’t wait to read more! I have a really busy week this week, but then slow down a bit for awhile, so I can’t wait to soak up more of your glorious book! Warmly, Barbara Techel, author of Frankie the Walk N Roll Dog and Frankie the Walk N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House
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