Hello, I’m Dr. Kim Bloomer, founder & creator of this website. My journey into natural, whole health – aka naturopathy – began with using two of the animal care products from Young Living Essential Oils which were sent to me by the person who became my sponsor (things have changed as you can now simply be a customer). He sent them to me to try to help my Neapolitan Mastiff Shadrach, not to try to sell me anything. That way of sharing and caring really, really resonated with me. He didn’t know me at all. I found his website on ancient healing arts. I contacted him, and we talked for a while. He is still my sponsor, and we both are still using Young Living. He’s a musician (that REALLY resonates with me – my dad was a musician also). And to define what essential oils are, my friend Jen Weir says it SO well: “…these are God’s word distilled in drops that have the potential and properties to assist healing in your mind and in your body.“
Let me share a short video with you to share the story…
Now I’ll share with you some links to Wishlists (similar to Amazon) for a variety of needs as well as short informational videos so you can make informed decisions for yourself, your family and of course your dog! Just click on the title of each link below to go to the Wishlist. On each Wishlist page you can see the suggested products. Then you can decide if you want to make a one-time purchase or you can set up a subscription order (Loyalty order).
Go here to learn Why Young Living Essential Oils?
I’m happy to help you with your decision or questions. Just go to the contact page to email me. I don’t have a form as I was getting too many spam messages.
Want to learn in depth on the history and more about essential oils? Go to the Essential Oils Movie for great resources!
Welcome New Customers!
Are you a first-time customer? We have a special offer just for you! Use the code SHAREYL at checkout and get a fantastic 10% discount on your first order. It’s our way of saying thank you for choosing us! All you need to do to receive the discount is use the code with your 50PV (approximately $50) order, used the code at checkout and receive your 10% discount.
In addition to your first order at 10% off, you can have ONGOING benefits as a Customer to receive “gifts with purchase” MONTHLY – this takes away the cost fears so many have these days so you can receive the best oils and products:
- When you sign up for a monthly Loyalty Order (subscription) of minimum 100PV (point value not always dollar to points), you qualify for rewards points, and the higher your order the higher the rewards points are – which can exchanged for free products!
- When you refer other customers to Young Living you can also receive additional rewards points.
- Lastly, you can also sign up as a Brand Partner for $1 if you decide you want to share YL to earn income but that is not a requirement to purchase products!
Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with!
PETS – no videos for this one but I have blog posts to help you on this site! This Category can help you find them: https://www.aspenbloompetcare.com/category/frequencies-vibrations-music/
CALMING FOR MY DOGS Calming in Storms video AND Essential Oils for Calming Dogs & Their Humans AUDIO