Work With Nature Rather Than Against

Carolina Dog eating dead rodent
Schatzie having a morning snack lol

What most people don’t seem to realize is that there ARE consequences to using any type of harmful chemical. In this case, by most likely eating a poisoned rodent of some kind, this wild owl in the video below suffered the consequences wrought by humans of course. By putting out this poison (and this is only one of many that this happens to), we have once again greatly interfered in causing grave harm and imbalance.

PLEASE I ask you to stop using these POISONS. They affect more than what you are targeting. Rodents are a necessary part of the ecosystem like it or not. They play a vital role and they also feed carnivores among other things. They ALL play a vital role. We do NOT need to fight nature but work WITH her. This is so darn sad and so unnecessary. It is a horrible death as well – to the rodent and ANYTHING that eats them!

When I was a child, a puppy of mine died just as you see this bird dying. I watched him dying in agony as we raced to the vet. He had gotten into the rat poison my grandmother kept around her place. Her apartment was connected to her restaurant so because of the scent of food, rodents and other animals were attracted. She took the path of least resistance we often take in this day and age but sadly it also attracted my puppy who had easy access to it. I know she didn’t leave it out on purpose for him to get into, but the sad fact is, this happens all too often.

When I worked as a vet tech years ago, we got in so many pets that had been poisoned this way or by anti-freeze left out (it is sweet to the taste and attractive to many things including beneficial insects – all insects are beneficial even if we don’t want to believe that). If we keep going this way we will reach a point of no return on this earth. Sooner rather than later.

We have what people love to deem as “vermin” (pests) around my area, in my yard, but my dogs take care of any of the problems there might be – they chase them off. We do NOT put out any kind of poison: no herbicides, pesticides, vermicides, rat/mouse poison, NONE of it. We don’t even use chemical fertilizers.

I know there are always better, safer, and even natural alternatives, always. My own yard is living proof we CAN live in harmony with nature if we just do it. It may take a while for your own house and yard to rebound, but we must start somewhere so why not start in our own backyards?

The videographer of the dead owl stated: “To all persons who persist in using or endorsing rodenticide and other pesticides this is your handiwork!! But there is hope because in the future the barn owl will be replaced by humans and their children! don’t think the chemical barrage is not bouncing right back.” ~Lorraine Port Elizabeth, posted by Arnold Slabbert

While I don’t agree to allow humans to become the next ones poisoned since I am not one of those who desire to see human extinction so nature can bounce back, I do believe we need to realize that for every action there is a consequence or benefit. How can we start benefiting all of nature? To support and work with nature rather than against. This “fight/war” mentality is a huge part of the problem.

Here is how Mike Donkers looks at it in this simplified version of pleomorphism:

“Life is not a war, it’s a dance. The word ‘uni-verse’ means ‘one song’. All we have to do is to sing and dance along….Some examples of the intelligence of micro-organisms from nature:

There are mushrooms (fungi) which grow on dead or half-dead tree trunks. Their job is to clean up these tree trunks. If nature were really reckless, wouldn’t the fungi in their appetite for destruction clean up the entire forest? Did you ever wonder why that rose bush in your garden is eaten by lice and the plant next to it isn’t? If insects were that gluttonous, pretty soon you wouldn’t have much of a garden left! You may choose to spray the lice with some chemical substance that kills everything in its path and in the short term, that will do the trick. It won’t make your rose bush much healthier, though, because now it also has toxins to deal with. Or you can choose not to concentrate on the lice but instead on the plant’s health by administering the roots and the soil the proper nutrients. Eventually the lice will decide to move on to another weak plant and your reward will be the most beautiful roses.” From his article, Understanding the True Meaning of Disease

We definitely do NOT want any dog of ours (or any pet) and definitely not one of our children to become the next casualty either do we?

By shifting our own perspective, and working with nature, we can make a difference.

The material safety data sheet of a commonly used rat/mouse bait product:

Until next time…

Have a pawsitively tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day!




Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Dr. Kim is the founder of the Holistic American Pet Academy with Doug Reed. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2024 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.