Shadrach the Neo Mastiff – August 3, 1999 (approx as we don’t know his exact birth date) to April 5, 2011 at 2:15 PM MT – remembering Shadrach.
It was two years ago today that we bid Shadrach farewell until we meet again in eternity. He was a few months shy of his twelfth birthday – or what we celebrated as his twelfth since we didn’t know his exact birth date. Today we celebrate his life and memory.
Shadrach is the reason this blog even exists. He is the reason I went into natural animal health. He is the reason I went back to school to study and receive my degrees in animal and human naturopathy. He is the reason I began blogging and later writing books. He is the reason I began our internet radio show, Animal Talk Naturally, with my colleague Dr. Jeannie Thomason which has since also segued into us founding the American Council of Animal Naturopathy.
Shadrach inspired me to get out of my comfort zone to make his life better – he so deserved it after all he went through as a puppy. And with my allopathic approach he was not thriving which began my journey into natural health to insure he received the life my husband Donnie and I felt he deserved.
I did all of this for him and as a result I have benefited GREATLY! How? Most importantly I have grown in my faith…and the rest followed:
1. I learned and continue to learn about REAL health care.
2. I met SO many people along the way – friend and foe – that have broadened and deepened my life tremendously, especially my best friend in the world, Dr. Jeannie Thomason. She is in fact the BEST friend I’ve ever had.
3. I started writing – something I always wanted to do but was afraid I wasn’t good enough. Shadrach showed me that I only have to be myself – not anyone else.
4. I received Meshach AND King as a result of new friendships.
Those are only a VERY few of the MANY gifts Shadrach gave and left to us. He made me laugh and he made me cry. He gave me fullness of life like I had never experienced before – EVER.
It has become an amazing journey, one I would not have traversed without Shadrach. He was so large in life, not only as a giant breed dog in the form of a Neapolitan Mastiff, but in personality. He made me a better person willing to get outside of my own comfort zone to help other dogs while empowering their humans. He helped me to REALLY focus on my own health and help others to do likewise.
I was on asthma, allergy and antibiotic medication for years, as well as had a lot of “female” problems too UNTIL I learned a better way as a result of Shadrach’s influence in my life. God knew what He was doing when He put this broken, abused, smelly puppy into my life. Shadrach blossomed into a beautiful swan and enriched my life with his presence.
Donnie and I miss him so much, but we are also forever grateful to the MANY blessings God put into our lives as a result of this absolutely amazing dog who not only touched our lives, but countless others through his blogging presence here on Bark N Blog, his videos, and the many photos we took of him once digital cameras came into easy use and availability 🙂
Thank you Lord for putting THE best dog EVER into my life. I am forever grateful to You for him, and I am forever grateful that Shadrach took up permanent residence in my heart. He has allowed my heart to expand through his love and the legacy he left behind to receive more dogs AND people to love!!!
Daddy and I love you our sweet hug lovey, always and forever. I look forward to the day I will get to hug your sweet neck again and run through the green grass of heaven with you. Until then, take care of Meshach, Fridge and all of the others for me until the day we are reunited.
We will never forget you Shadrach the Neo Mastiff…nuthin’ but the dog in you!
Have a pawsitively tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day – WOOF!

Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.
Shad was an angel in disguise as so many angels are. Bill and I were so very happy to have met him when you, Donnie and he came to Santa Fe for Shad’s chiropractic appointment. What a lovely boy.XOXO
He really was Tunia and I am SO glad you and Bill got to meet him, even though he was pretty sick by then and no longer the Shad by that time 🙁 We sure do miss him Tunia, but this video of him makes me laugh every single time. I remember him as this sassy, spunky, fearless, awesome boy, forever in my heart. Love and hugs to all of you at Chez Hyland!
What a beautiful remembrance of the SHAD. Toby loved the video!
Thank you Anita! It was sure heartfelt – we sure do miss our boy, he was SUCH a special boy…they ALL are, some just a bit more than others 🙂 LOL about Toby liking the video – all the dogs do so they must understand what Shadrach was going on about lol!
Love and hugs to you both!
I just now read this blog and got the biggest kick out of Shadrach’s “song”! What a sweetie pie!
Your remembrance of him was so touching, Kim. Thank you, as always, for sharing your heart with us. You have such a gift. May The Lord continue to bless you with His special creatures.
LOL I know Susie, Shadrach sure could tell you a thing or two hahaha! He was so funny that way. Whenever we called someone to sing happy birthday to us, he would sing along LOL! After he passed away, that was one thing our family members told us they missed – that Shadrach wasn’t there to sing happy birthday to them.
Thank you for always being SO encouraging Susie, I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I am glad you are blessed by what I share – to God be ALL the glory!
I look forward to hanging out with you in heaven my friend and sister in the Lord <3
Love always in Christ Jesus,