Let me tell you about this skin thing and some cool things that have happened with me recently. Some of you may know from reading Mom’s posts on me, Bubba King, that I had an issue with my right knee back in November of 2015. It was never properly diagnosed – the veterinarians (yes as in two) merely guessed at what was wrong. My humans weren’t impressed – they never much are by them, woof!
Anyway, I also have had various skin challenges primarily under my chin for a couple of reasons. One I like to dig into all of the flora and fauna out here in my desert oasis. For some reason I get contact reactions. Now you KNOW I am naturally reared from the age of six months. But humans you must learn about EPIGENETICS to really DIG into all of the dis-orders we dogs seem to be experiencing these days okay?
I like sniffing and digging just as much as any other dog but for some reason the desert flora does this to me. I was originally from TX with grass and stuff.
Check me out here on my most recent video – Schatzie dissed me again but I still love her – and you can’t see that I have any issues either which is also awesome:
My humans also noticed an issue with this particular leg from the beginning. Mom saw it as a structural imbalance that happened in utero (big word for me but I’m a VERY smart dog woof!) or through birth. Either way it went untreated and the humans didn’t think much about it. Fast forward after me doing lots of jogging with my mom with my short legs and low structure, somehow it all came together as a perfect storm for me to pull up lame. It could be ACL it could be something else. My humans went for natural therapies including whole supplementation.
What my mom always says though is that I have a very strong immune system even in light of all this. Maybe even over active. Not surprising when you’re bred and weaned conventionally. It can take generations for the issues to go away and for us to be wholly healthy. But the thing is NUTRITION MATTERS as in REAL CARNIVORE nutrition, woof! I LOVE RAW FOOD and I’m really, really glad they feed me like the carnivore I am!
To support my joints my humans used an herbal blend my mom put together for ligaments and bones. Additionally we were getting humic-fulvic acid, and more recently soil based probiotics. I also got colostrum.
What happened? Isn’t that ALL good stuff? Yeppers it sure enough is! The thing is, as I said I have a very strong immune system so I think I just went into overload.
Recently my mom got a clue – it takes her a while sometimes even though she teaches this to others. Mostly it’s like the plumbers house – he has the leaky faucet but the faucets he fixes in others’ houses are doing great!
Until my leg is completely healed mom kept thinking I needed ongoing support and didn’t think much about it…until my skin issue escalated more recently.
She PAWsed…and THOUGHT. Those are KEY factors humans! She wondered aloud with Dad (my best buddy in the world!) what could we do differently? The answer was very simple too – stop using all for this stuff regularly. Do what nature does and supply intermittently so that balance comes varied over time. DUH UH UH it’s what she teaches. She discussed it with her friend (business partner and colleague in their school) as well as with Dad. The consensus, use LESS OFTEN. Simple right? I mean she has told clients this repeatedly that more supplements don’t mean better. Sometimes they even need to stop them all.
I’m getting MOST of what I need in my raw food. Meat. Bones. Organs. RAW. Follow the laws of health – check we do that already, except she forgot TEMPERANCE. Oops you can’t forget ANY of them otherwise there isn’t balance yo!
That has made a WORLD of difference for me! Then she started using an essential oil blend made just forus animals to support and soothe the skin on my face. Guess what? My skin is clearing! We can’t tell you how much bepaws that would be prescribing humans – we can’t do that. She simply just uses it once or twice a day on me right now and not very much either.
AND I am energetic and into everything again!
Keeping it simple and real yo!
Until next time….
Have a tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day, WOOF!

Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.