Oh, sing to the LORD a new song! Sing to the LORD, all the earth. Psalm 96:1

So this idea isn’t my idea really lol, it is God’s. A couple of days ago I decided that I would spend some time simply worshipping God.
So for about a half hour I really did that. It was fun and it was also fun to see the expressions on my dogs faces – they would be the only ones who could ever enjoy my singing other than God lol. Ezra had his eyes half closed sitting in front of me facing me, almost swaying to the music I was playing with a half grin on his face – it was so sweet and funny too. King was almost in the same expression but in repose. Also it completely changed me for the entire day! So I repeated that again the next day and again I had a similar outcome! Today is Day 3 and while it wasn’t as impactful to the dogs today as the first day (lol), it was to me. It is a REALLY special time with God – and that’s the real point now isn’t it?
Stay with me as this gets better because this is not about me…
I realized right then this was something I needed to get back to doing daily like I used to in earnest. As I was thinking that, Holy Spirit said an amazing thing to me, He said, “Why don’t you start this as a movement the way prayer movement was started in 2020“. It was a whole download more in depth than that, the way He did for a short allegorical book I wrote a few years ago.
Across the world in 2020 many were doing a daily prayer time all last year. Many ministries began doing this worldwide. Zoom calls increased exponentially. The prayers were initially to end Covid primarily but we know there was prayer over cities, states, nations. The key was that the prayer times were consistent at consistent times so that ALL those who could participate did, united voices agreed in prayer TOGETHER. The unity of the Body. The unity of the brethren.
Here’s what I believe He meant:
For me to share this message with others and get each of us within our own circle of influence to do likewise. To SING (aka worship and praise HIM through singing) at the same times each day so that our collective voices are going up to Him together. Okay don’t get scared now (lol from Home Alone), this does have to do with quantum physics. Let me digress for just a moment so I can explain or rather let’s allow Einstein and Tesla to explain…and don’t think this is new agism as the enemy has only hijacked what was from God all along. If you “tune into” a radio or television program you are utilizing vibrations and frequencies. Your body is vibrating, everything is – that’s a topic for an entire class!

There are books I list below as suggested reading that can help you learn in the most powerful way about this that are also faith-based. Two will help people also learn the truth about health and healing.
Remember Jericho and how they marched around the city once a day for six days blowing the shofar? Then on the seventh day they marched 7 times, blew the shofar and then all of them together shouted? The walls came down like a demolition. They didn’t fall over, they came straight down. That was due to the vibrational frequency of them marching in cadence around the city, then the sound of the shofar with their singing and the last day with their shout! They shook the very foundation of that city so that the wall fell down. GOD told them to do that! YES it was a miracle, it is the miracle of God’s Voice resounding in this earth, in every living thing and we bring the power of heaven here on earth (that’s scriptural too) as He meets us in our worship, He inhabits the praises of HIS people – Psalm 22: 3, KJV. Read Joshua 6 if you need a refresher on Jericho.
For those who need this, it’s also been proven scientifically – you’ll learn a lot of this in the books.
I can feel His Presence when I am in that mode just worshipping Him and singing to Him. I pray as well as sing with the music! If we all as Believers join together to do this, can you imagine what will happen? In our cities, states, provinces, nations, world?

Here’s the funny part, I am NOT a singer meaning I don’t have the voice – that’s never stopped me though lol. I also don’t have a polished broadcaster’s voice either and yet I podcast and have since 2005 – and I HAVEsung on some of those shows lol. So what God is doing is making Himself the focus NOT any one talented or untalented person. If we can get a few of our friends to agree to do this and then they can do likewise, I imagine this can go around the world with everyday people just like us doing this. Remember God put me to this so it’s HIS idea, not mine. I have agonized at times throughout my life asking why He didn’t give me a voice to sing since I love it so much. Well, I suppose He’s answering my prayer – just not how I thought He would but I like this even better because it’s truly ALL about Him!
I also believe this will eventually mean that some truly talented singers will join in and do likewise – known and unknown. United as ONE BODY IN CHRIST, we WILL bring down the strongholds of the enemy worldwide! People by the millions WILL be saved. People WILL get free. This WILL change all that is happening in the world. I believe God wants this to be a part of HIS tsunami wave that IS coming worldwide! It’s something we can all do regardless of our ability because after all we aren’t sufficient but HE IS. That’s what this whole thing has always been about anyway. We had to get shaken awake out of our comfort zone into this New ThingHe’s doing. Read Isaiah 43.
Voices shouting the truth is already happening but I believe MUSIC/SINGING is a needed component and apparently so does God! God sings over us with GLADNESS! He wants us to reciprocate! King David entered every single battle with MUSIC and WORSHIP of God! He was the most powerful in battle as a result. Think that was by accident? I don’t.

We don’t have to be singers to sing to Him! To worship Him in spirit and in truth. Just sing and it is absolutely beautiful to God – He can purify the sound so just SING!
Lastly, let’s do our best to sing God-centered NOT self-centered songs as so much Christian music is these days. Also, remember that these government entities told us to not sing in church when the churches were allowed to partially open back up? Why would that be? If you can talk with masks on why can’t you sing? Because the enemy knows what happens when we worship and praise God – GOD inhabits our praises! People WILL be delivered, set free, made whole, kept safe and sound, protected (SOZO – Greek word for “saved” which is what “saved” really means).
1. The Supernatural Power of Music: A Quantum Leap Into Worship by Len Mink
2. The Sound of Healing by Michael Tyrell
3. Better Health and a Plan to Achieve It by Dr. Hugh Bassham. Listen to our podcast discussion on this here https://doggonetruth.podbean.com/e/better-health-1621884913/
4. Sound Alignment by Cheryl-Ann Needham – just the thing I needed to solidify even more the importance of all of this!!
5. Blog post: King Bubba and Priest Ezra
6. Article: The Beautifully Adorned Bride
Lastly, can we can agree on at least 3 songs per day (3 = The Godhead) we sing to Him? And to do our best to choose songs that glorify and worship Him more than focus on us! How much we love Him for Who He is, all He has done and is doing, etc. There is some overlap in that I know, because He SO loves us, but we can all do our best to choose songs that are pure worship of Him. The length of time to worship is up to you but may I suggest at least THREE songs of worship when we do worship. Times to worship will be open 24/7 at the top of each hour and half hour so that everyone in the world who wants to participate can join in together. We know at least two or more will be worshipping at any given time. And we know that where two or more are gathered in agreement, He is in the midst!

Suggested times: 24/7 at the top of each hour and half hour – this way everyone around the world can join in at a time that is good for them. Join as often as you desire -or God desires for you to – I usually purposefully sing twice per day but randomly throughout the day as well! Suggested length – minimum 3 songs, and then just go for as long God desires for you.
Also I am happy to set up an email newsletter for us to share through – feedback, testimonials, etc. for those who want to share. I am even happy to share those here on the blog and/or on my podcast. All I want is for God to be glorified!!
God SPOKE everything into existence, SOUND is the key to everything. It is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT seen = FAITH. Hebrews 11.
I look forward to your response. This is not about anything but worshipping God. To HEAL our world worshipping our awesome God in response to His immense, unconditional love for us! He rejoices over USwith singing (Zephaniah 3:17), surely we can reciprocate to our mighty, awesome, loving, amazing God can’t we? Then watch what HE does!
Let me share some quotes by the authors of the books above that hopefully will give you some insights into just how powerful all of this really is:

Better Health by Dr. Hugh Bassham, “Of all we do to improve the of our inward man, let us focus most intently on our worship.”
The Supernatural Power of Music by Len Mink, “Faith has a song. It rejoices before it sees.”
Sound Alignment by Cheryl-Ann Needham, “The FOCUS needs to be on God. Sound causes movement. We are in the image of Christ as His children so we carry His DNA – glory DNA. DNA is a frequency or song; each of us is a different song. So we align with each other in unity into the symphony of God.”
The Sound of Healing by Michael Tyrell, “And for the Christian convinced that this type of material is evil or New Age, rest assured it is ANYTHING but new. It is the antithesis of evil. In fact, it is the very genus of the Creator’s creation.”
Kim Bloomer, daughter of the Most High God – Psalm 133, NKJV, A Song of Ascents. Of David, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the LORD commanded the blessing – life forevermore.”
Whatever we worship gains control over us. ~Author Unknown – let my worship be for You Alone Lord Jesus!

Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.
Such an awesome idea!! So excited to participate worshipping and praising God together!!
I’m SO grateful you want to do this my sister friend, thank you!! LOVE YOU!