Worthy of the Truth

Schatzie_King_11192015While this is a “mixed bag” (at least it’s not a bag of kibble!) blog post, I felt it needed to be so the message would be REALLY heard because it is about how worthy of the truth are our dogs.

Let me start out with my short and goofy “Weird Animal Girl“scenario first because I think it shows how important, precious and special our relationships with our dogs are to us.

As I explained in my last blog post I was called that “weird animal girl” as a child. I own that wholly and fully now! I am wearing it as my badge of honor in fact. Thanks to my friend, Cheryl Olmsted for creating both the awesome “badge of honor” graphic for me and recognizing the W.A.G. acronym!

So the other day as I was getting ready to go outside in my bathing suit to sunbathe in this insane geo-engineered warm weather we are having in the middle of February, I went into “Weird Animal Girl” mode.

My dogs were watching me get ready and I just started talking to them lol. I showed King how it was now for him as we rehab his knee – how he has to walk for now, not zoom. So I’d do a short, slow walk. Then I told him how he was going to get faster. I’d walk a little faster…ahem in place lol. Then I showed him how Schatzie and I are running and how he’d be doing it before too long also. I started running in place too lol. I was going on and on – walk, go faster, zoom! They got all excited as only dogs can and started the barking and howling game to which I HAD to join in. We had us a right good old time I can tell you!

We all released some pent-up energy and were able to relax together in the sun together shortly after this little “W.A.G.” breakout. It got me to thinking about how much we DON’T deserve their faithfulness and loyalty to us, but I am so glad they willingly give it.

To honor their worthiness, my friend Aleksandra Mikic released her updated, edited51IqMjd4lXL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_ Kindle version of her book (the print version will be updated eventually as well), How to Immunize Your Dog Without Vaccines (formerly Immune Doggy) that includes the story of my three dogs, Fridge, Shadrach and Meshach as well as the stories of multiple of my friends dogs’ stories.

If we keep doing what we’ve been doing expecting a different outcome, that is the definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein. Vaccines are insane. If I can learn the true agenda behind them and how our animals were and have been the experiment under the guise of healthcare delivery, then certainly YOU can learn the truth as well. Our dogs are worthy of the truth. And please don’t waste your breath trying to tell me vaccines prevented Vaccines_Did_Not_Save_Uspolio and a multitude of other dis-ease. That would show me you have indeed drank down the koolaid in full, and have not bothered to do your due diligence in true research and study, or even have a basic understanding of the immune system and its function.

I have LOADS of proof to the contrary plus the proof is in the pudding. Do your homework, READ, learn. Start by purchasing the book and follow the yellow brick road please. And no, I do not make any money or commissions to promote this book. Aleks did a fantastic job of taking a difficult subject and made it simple to understand.

Your dogs are worthy of the truth.

Until next time…

Have a positively tail W.A.G.gin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day!



Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Dr. Kim is the founder of the Holistic American Pet Academy with Doug Reed. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2024 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.