I thought I’d simply share some FB posts I’ve done on Ezra over the last few months. He has grown and as a result so have I. He has never let me or my husband remain in a comfort zone, just chillaxin and living a simple, easy life. He is actually why I was prepared for such a time as this (read the book of Esther in the Bible).
This first one I was having a conversation with King, and using his reactions to Ezra lol – and honestly that is exactly his response to Ezra half the time because he is 8 years old versus Ezra’s now 10 months old age difference. I think Ezra gets frustrated living with all of us “old folks” because he’s ready to rock ‘n’ roll most of the time. I have a hard time finding his off button:
Pic #1

Me: Hey King, check out this video of Ezra doing his usual crazy early morning zoomies in the lower yard.
King: Okay mom but I do zoomies too you know.
Me: Oh I know and I LOVE your floor buffer style of zoomies 😂💕
King: Okay so long as we’re clear, I’m the zoomie master. So let me watch this video of this young whipper snapper.
#2 video of me trying to video Ezra in his speedy zoomie.
King: Ruh? What was that?!!

Me: Yup, that’s what I said 😆😂😜
Ezra’s Archeological and Architectural Skills in Effect:

During this timeout/lockdown Ezra has very much focused on “prepping” our native yard (he already got the upper manicured yard done in the fall 😆) with LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of “pruning”. His motto is “you can never prune enough” 🙄🤦🏻♀️.
He took a timeout from his ongoing and arduous work, to pose for you all 😂. Then back to work…he’s not one to sit idle when there’s “work” to be done 😆😳.
🌿Note that there USED to be green growing things where he is standing and digging 🤔🤷🏻♀️☘️🍀🌿🍃🌵🤦🏻♀️😆
🐕Eight months old and still digging…errr growing.

🏛There are 8 laws of health and Ezra honored 3 of them in this post. Do you know which ones? PLUS he did some grounding/earthing as well!
And now this last week, Ezra is now 10 months old as of May 23, 2020:

Celebrating this boy who is now 10 months old as of the 23rd. We’ve had lots of struggles and challenges but we’ve turned a corner and we’re progressing. It’s been such a needed journey for me – which I didn’t realize until we were in the middle of this. He’s a very sensitive boy which has required me to really do some soul searching and change things in myself. I’m grateful we’re to this point finally lol. I’ve been used to much calmer and simpler breeds until now. Those who have Malinois’ or GSDs, or any high energy type breed will totally understand. In fact you’ll be so used to this you’ll wonder why I’ve been challenged 🤔😆.
Anyway, Ezra has taught me so much. He and I are developing a beautiful relationship I somehow expected to happen week one 😜. 8 months later we’re getting closer to that relationship I dreamed about. We’ve a ways to go but I’m grateful and being grateful during such a time as this is an extra blessing.
Isn’t he a handsome boy?! 🐕🐕🐕
I’m still using the branded blend and vetiver on him at night. I know they’ve helped!
Pic #1 – Standing at alert because he saw or heard a bird or rabbit or something
Pic #2 – Sitting by me in repose just listening to the early morning sounds

Pic #3 – Looking at me with his intense eyes filled with love as I mirror back the same to him

Pic #4 – Sitting in front of me as I massage him while we listen to the Dawn Chorus – something we started doing a couple of weeks ago each morning during our morning playtime/walk outdoors

Pic #5 – He tried to bury and hide his ball from me AGAIN 😆😂😍

Just a day in the life of a Carolina Dog puppy and his human.
Until next time…
Have a PAWSitively, tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day!
All photos by Dr. Kim Bloomer, Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved and may not be used without express written permission. Thank you.

Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.