The Broken-Hearted
The Broken-Hearted

The Broken-Hearted

This post is going to be more about the losses we suffer during this life and how we decide to receive the gains in the process of that.

This photo was taken circa the 1960s! That’s me on the left with that huge bottle of Coca Cola yuck lol – DEFINITELY not something I drink nor would I any longer. As Maya Angelou said, when I learn better I do better. Next to me was my younger sister by one year and 10 months, Paula. My younger brother Jimmy on the tricycle with an orange pop nearly as big as him (he’s one of 4 brothers I have all younger). My pretty mom in the heels and dress. This was in the backyard of my Granny’s house – really her apartment attached to her restaurant. She owned the two other houses there too. She was a great business woman way back then!

My brother Jimmy sent me this pic on what would’ve been the 63rd birthday of my sister on June 9th. Sadly we lost her March 17, 2016 to suicide. She was one of four family members we’ve lost to this since 2014. One was my nephew, then my sister, then two cousins. Each two years apart. There is something too all of that but it is a discussion for another time.

This pic is a good one to hold onto as a good day in our lives and journey together. The smirk on my face is telling. I wonder what I was up to lol…but I love seeing these old pictures with Paula always sitting so close to her big sister. She left a huge void. I’ll miss her always. I wished I’d told her more often how much she really meant to me. I’m glad I can talk with God about her – and I do. Someday I may share what He’s shown me about all of this.

My hope is more will learn they truly are valued and loved so they will choose life.

He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” ~Psalms 147:3, NKJV

Here is also remembering my amazing Great Dane Meshach who also broke my heart. Had he lived, he would’ve been ten years old in June. Sadly he only made it to 15 months of age. However, the short time we had him was worth it as he brought a richness and beauty to my life I didn’t even know I was missing or needed. 

His name is taken from the book of Daniel in the Bible. His registered name was “Zona-Sisco’s Through the Fire”. He was gifted to me by my very generous friend who is also named Kim.

In my allegory, Be Renewed, Be Transformed, BE WELL book, I named him the Striped Ambassador. Everyone in my neighborhood, once they adjusted to his big Great Dane-ness  learned of his amicable nature so he was dubbed the neighborhood ambassador. What a great thing to be known for! 

I’ll always honor your memory my sweet boy and love you all my days until we meet again. I know Jesus is taking great care of you! The best ever in fact! Thank you for all you gave in such a short time. 

Last, but definitely not least is a short kudo of my friend Barb. She just lost her husband John of almost 50 years this past Sunday. I attended the funeral yesterday and learned more about this amazing man. He was truly one of the “good guys“. My heart breaks for her but is joyful that John is now with our Lord and free of pain!

Back in 2004 I decided to go to a faith-based networking luncheon that a friend referred me to. I met a forever friend that very day by the name of Barbara Hilford. Her daughter was the one who facilitated the monthly luncheon.

When I came in, I was asked a bit about myself and immediately referred to Barbara to sit with during the luncheon since I knew absolutely not one person there. Even though our years are separated by the same distance as me and my mom, that never hindered us in any way.

It turned out she is an avid animal lover like me, but unlike me she is an amazing artist! She’s quite the gifted writer too AND musician! She and I have had some of the best times together and quite a lot of laughter as well.

She illustrated and edited one of my books, Animals Taught Me That, and edited the one I mentioned above, Be Renewed, Be Transformed, BE WELL.

She has also gifted me multiple paintings including one she did of 3 of my dogs. I just wanted to honor her now and say thank you to Barb for being such a great friend. They are one of the most valuable treasures we have on this earth, don’t you agree?

Painting of 3 dogs by Barbara J. Hilford

Barb isn’t doing much in the way of animal portraits or paintings now due to arthritis in her hands, but she still sketches and gifts people with her lovely art as she can. She has a rich family life, rich in friends, rich in talent and I’m humbled that she considers me a close friend and sister in our Lord Jesus. What a blessing she is and I look forward to being friends with her throughout eternity.

This was my simple tribute to just a few I’ve loved and lost, and that include’s Barb’s husband as he was a good friend. He even allowed me to do the raindrop technique on him a few years ago to show Barb how to do one and to give him some relief as well during. I’m grateful I was allowed that privilege. I look forward to seeing him, my dogs and even my sister again in eternity – that’s the part of this story I didn’t share. One day, if the Lord says go ahead, I will. It’s a sensitive topic for many.

So until next time…

Have a PAWSitively, tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day!



Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Dr. Kim is the founder of the Holistic American Pet Academy with Doug Reed. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2024 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.

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