
The Howling Game

The Howling Game with the KingsterAbout three months ago King (my American Bully) began playing a game with me that is not only funny but a lot of fun for me – and a nice release for him I am sure. I call it the Howling Game – even though it starts with a whole bunch of barking.

King will sometimes initiate the play by running to get a toy and have me play tuggie wit him. His primary aim isn’t to play with me but to entice Schatzie (my Carolina Dog aka American Dingo girl) to play with him lol. That’s fine, my ego isn’t a bit hurt by that. Read more“The Howling Game”

The Kibble Poop Song

When I was a kid, my dad played the bass upright in an R&B band. He was always singing to us and us with him even though none of us can carry a tune. One song stands out as his “theme” song to all of us: The Friends That I Know. That is an old R&B song from way back in the day! I decided to write some words to the tune of this song in a parody to what I fondly call commercial pet food: Kibble Poop. Understand I can NOT carry a tune, hehe, so have a good laugh!
Kim Bloomer


Words to the Kibble Poop Song:

The pets that I’ve known and lost to you
turned away went passing me by

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